Vintage book illustrations, briefly described, posted as their paths cross mine. Books described are not mine, and thus not for sale through this website. Be sure to click on the images for the full view, because I've scanned them big!
My Visioneer scanner turned out to be incompatible with my new computer and its Windows Vista operating system. So I finally decided to replace it, with an HP Scanjet G4010. Here are some vintage postcard reproductions of Alfons Mucha, to inaugurate it. As always, click on the images for a bigger view, since I've scanned them large.
Welcome to my little share of the blogosphere. I am a reviewer at Amazon, a participant in the usenet forum alt.quotations, and a frequent commenter, at first mostly on the right-wing side of the blogosphere, but now anywhere spirited debate is allowed. My seemingly self-congratulatory nic is actually an homage to Alan Coren's book of the same name, which I recommend to fans of English wit. Enjoy your visit. Email me at synapsid circle-A